GCS High School Spiritual Retreat at Crowders Camps
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...
5 Ways to Model Christian Values to Your Middle Schooler
Early Childhood and Elementary Family Celebration promo video
On May 21, we will have a ”fall festival” style day at the school for Early Childhood and Elementary students, and family members. We...
5th Grade Science Activities With Discovery Place
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...
Gastonia 14-year-old Elijah Foster, is his mom’s “Superhero.”
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...
Gaston Christian Spring Dance Concert (Friday, May 7 at 6:30 PM)
1st-5th dancers are excited about the Spring Dance Concert tonight!! Watch the live stream here TONIGHT (Friday, May 7, 2021) at 6:30 PM:...
GCS Family Cookout
Dear GCS families and friends, We have now turned the final corner toward the successful completion of the 2020-21 school year. I am so...
A Night of Worship
GCS Praise Band and select faculty/staff members and students will be leading songs such as O Praise the Name, Great Are You Lord, and It...
2021 K-5th Elementary Field Day
MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOG Early Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893 Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011 Middle...
Outdoor Mask Requirements
Dear GCS Families, I am happy to announce that we are now free to lift all outdoor mask requirements for anyone on campus immediately....