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At Gaston Christian, students are known by name and cared for as they develop a lifelong love of learning. Our education model is designed to help students recognize their full potential — and that starts with our youngest learners. Following a holistic approach that cares for the entire child, our kindergarten programs offer a nurturing environment where students are comfortable exploring newfound skills as they grow academically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Families can select from two kindergarten programs: 

  • Half-Day Program | 8:15 a.m. to 12 p.m., five days a week
  • Full-Day Program | 8:15 a.m. to 2:10 p.m., five days a week

Parents looking for additional social interaction and care can enroll their child in our Extended Care Program. Here, students are placed with other students from the same grade and enjoy fun activities. After Care is available each day until 6 p.m.  

Enriched Learning 

Our kindergarten programs take an active learning approach and use hands-on activities to guide students to an age-appropriate understanding of core subject concepts. Utilizing Abeka curriculum, a focus is placed on developing problem-solving and comprehension skills that will carry students into elementary school. Classes are kept small to promote a stimulating and fun learning environment where students can feel out their unique God-given skills and talents. 

At the kindergarten level, core subject areas include: 

  • Phonics 
  •  Penmanship
  • Guided Reading 
  • Math
  • Bible

In addition to core subject areas, students have the opportunity to join our weekly specials, which are designed to reinforce learning and enhance academic growth. These classes include: 

  • Art
  • Library
  • Music
  • PE
  • Technology

Christ-centered Environment 

Quality teaching goes beyond the classroom as staff disciple students in their relationship with God. Building on a strong biblical foundation established in our preschool, teachers passionately model Christ as they encourage students to think creatively and critically through a Christian worldview. Students are led through daily Bible study and stories, weekly memory verses, and attend chapel service (every other week). As part of our Character Education study, we use biblical integration throughout our curriculum. Teachers use assertive discipline, which is a system of rewards for positive behavior and consequences for inappropriate actions.  



Early Childhood Principal 

Annette Simmons

Annette Simmons is excited to be the Early Childhood Principal. She graduated from UNC-Greensboro with a Bachelor’s degree in Education. Mrs. Simmons is bringing her 32 years of experience and skill as a Gaston Christian Kindergarten teacher to the leadership team. It brings Mrs. Simmons much joy to lead her staff in continuing to support the GCS families with outstanding Christian education. Mrs. Simmons and her husband have two children who graduated from GCS, as well as two grandchildren currently enrolled. 

Early Childhood School Directory
Staff Member Department Email Address
Altman, Bobbie Teacher's Aid raltman@gastonchristian.org
Bergan, Kristen Elementary Counselor (K-5th) kbergan@gastonchristian.org
Chapman, Amanda Pre-K Teacher achapman@gastonchristian.org
Christenbury, Taylor Teacher's Aid tchristenbury@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Ricky Director of Community Engagement rcollins@gastonchristian.org
Cook, Dr. Tina Director of Cognitive Enrichment tcook@gastonchristian.org
Deaton, Lesley PE Teacher (K-5th) ldeaton@gastonchristian.org
Eshaghi, Andrea Educational Therapist (K-12th) aeshaghi@gastonchristian.org
Gale, Beverly Preschool 3 Teacher bgale@gastonchristian.org
Garrity, Katie Preschool 3 Teacher kgarrity@gastonchristian.org
Gordon, Tammy Librarian (K-5th) tgordon@gastonchristian.org
Griffin, Katie Cognitive Enrichment Teacher (K-5th) kgriffin@gastonchristian.org
Hardin, Jackie Kindergarten Teacher jhardin@gastonchristian.org
Kettelhut, Lori Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant lkettelhut@gastonchristian.org
Kimak, Jennifer Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant jkimak@gastonchristian.org
Lambert, Holly Art Teacher (K-5th) hlambert@gastonchristian.org
Langley, Jessica Pre-K Teacher jlangley@gastonchristian.org
Lowrimore, Ana Early Childhood Secretary alowrimore@gastonchristian.org
Macaulay, Celestine Pre-K Teacher cmacaulay@gastonchristian.org
Marks, Alicia Kindergarten Teacher amarks@gastonchristian.org
McGinnis, Ashley Kindergarten Teacher amcginnis@gastonchristian.org
McLemore, Emily Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant emclemore@gastonchrisitan.org
Moore, Mark Christian Life Director (PK3-12th) mmoore@gastonchristian.org
Nance, Nikkie STEAM Teacher (K-5th) nnance@gastonchristian.org
Patterson, Kimberly Kindergarten Teacher kpatterson@gastonchristian.org
Patton, Maureen Preschool 3 Teacher maureenpatton@gastonchristian.org
Peach, Vicki Pre-K Teacher vpeach@gastonchristian.org
Rushing, Tameron EC/ES Nurse trushing@gastonchristian.org
Simmons, Annette Early Childhood Principal asimmons@gastonchristian.org
Switzer, Morgan Music Teacher (K-5th) mswitzer@gastonchristian.org
Tugwell, Sara School Nurse stugwell@gastonchristian.org
Wilson, Sharonda Computer Teacher (K-5th) swilson@gastonchristian.org


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