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Staff Directory

Early Childhood School Directory
Staff Member Department Email Address
Altman, Bobbie Teacher's Aid raltman@gastonchristian.org
Bergan, Kristen Elementary Counselor (K-5th) kbergan@gastonchristian.org
Chapman, Amanda Pre-K Teacher achapman@gastonchristian.org
Christenbury, Taylor Teacher's Aid tchristenbury@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Ricky Director of Community Engagement rcollins@gastonchristian.org
Cook, Dr. Tina Director of Cognitive Enrichment tcook@gastonchristian.org
Deaton, Lesley PE Teacher (K-5th) ldeaton@gastonchristian.org
Eshaghi, Andrea Educational Therapist (K-12th) aeshaghi@gastonchristian.org
Gale, Beverly Preschool 3 Teacher bgale@gastonchristian.org
Garrity, Katie Preschool 3 Teacher kgarrity@gastonchristian.org
Gordon, Tammy Librarian (K-5th) tgordon@gastonchristian.org
Griffin, Katie Cognitive Enrichment Teacher (K-5th) kgriffin@gastonchristian.org
Hardin, Jackie Kindergarten Teacher jhardin@gastonchristian.org
Kettelhut, Lori Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant lkettelhut@gastonchristian.org
Kimak, Jennifer Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant jkimak@gastonchristian.org
Lambert, Holly Art Teacher (K-5th) hlambert@gastonchristian.org
Langley, Jessica Pre-K Teacher jlangley@gastonchristian.org
Lowrimore, Ana Early Childhood Secretary alowrimore@gastonchristian.org
Macaulay, Celestine Pre-K Teacher cmacaulay@gastonchristian.org
Marks, Alicia Kindergarten Teacher amarks@gastonchristian.org
McGinnis, Ashley Kindergarten Teacher amcginnis@gastonchristian.org
McLemore, Emily Preschool 3 Teacher Assistant emclemore@gastonchrisitan.org
Moore, Mark Christian Life Director (PK3-12th) mmoore@gastonchristian.org
Nance, Nikkie STEAM Teacher (K-5th) nnance@gastonchristian.org
Patterson, Kimberly Kindergarten Teacher kpatterson@gastonchristian.org
Patton, Maureen Preschool 3 Teacher maureenpatton@gastonchristian.org
Peach, Vicki Pre-K Teacher vpeach@gastonchristian.org
Rushing, Tameron EC/ES Nurse trushing@gastonchristian.org
Simmons, Annette Early Childhood Principal asimmons@gastonchristian.org
Switzer, Morgan Music Teacher (K-5th) mswitzer@gastonchristian.org
Tugwell, Sara School Nurse stugwell@gastonchristian.org
Wilson, Sharonda Computer Teacher (K-5th) swilson@gastonchristian.org
Staff Member Department Email Address
Abernathy, Mary Fourth Grade Teacher mabernathy@gastonchristian.org
Alston, Denika Elementary Principal dalston@gastonchristian.org
Bergan, Kristen Elementary Counselor kbergan@gastonchristian.org
Burns, Katie First Grade Teacher kburns@gastonchristian.org
Byarlay, Kathy Fourth Grade Teacher kbyarlay@gastonchristian.org
Chew, Karen Fifth Grade Teacher kchew@gastonchristian.org
Cook, Dr. Tina Director of Cognitive Enrichment tcook@gastonchristian.org
Deaton, Lesley PE Teacher (K-5th) Ldeaton@gastonchristian.org
Eshaghi, Andrea Educational Therapist aeshaghi@gastonchristian.org
Evans, Leigh Ann Fourth Grade Teacher levans@gastonchristian.org
Glandon, Kristi Fifth Grade Teacher kglandon@gastonchristian.org
Goldenberg, Jennifer Elementary School Assistant Principal jgoldenberg@gastonchristian.org
Gordon, Tammy Librarian (K-5th) tgordon@gastonchristian.org
Greene, Connie Third Grade Teacher cgreene@gastonchristian.org
Griffin, Katie Cognitive Enrichment Teacher (K-5th) kgriffin@gastonchristian.org
Gunter, Bethany Fifth Grade Teacher bgunter@gastonchristian.org
Haggard, Hannah First Grade Teacher hhaggard@gastonchristian.org
Hawxwell, Amy Third Grade Teacher ahawxwell@gastonchristian.org
Herman, Leigh Ann Second Grade Teacher lherman@gastonchristian.org
Hoersch, Cathy Third Grade Teacher choersch@gastonchristian.org
Huffstetler, Benita Third Grade Teacher bhuffstetler@gastonchristian.org
Jones, Lauren Fourth Grade Teacher ljones@gastonchristian.org
Kelly, Lindsey Second Grade Teacher lkelly@gastonchristian.org
Lambert, Holly Art Teacher (K-5th) hlambert@gastonchristian.org
Long, Kristin First Grade Teacher klong@gastonchristian.org
Miller, Lyndsey Second Grade Teacher lmiller@gastonchristian.org
Nance, Nikkie STEAM (K-5th) nnance@gastonchristian.org
Pennington, Matthew Fifth Grade Teacher mpennington@gastonchristian.org
Prescott, Jessie First Grade Teacher jprescott@gastonchristian.org
Richardson, Christine Second Grade Teacher crichardson@gastonchristian.org
Rushing, Tameron Elementary Nurse trushing@gastonchristian.org
Stacy, Teri Elementary Secretary tstacy@gastonchristian.org
Switzer, Morgan Music Teacher (K-5th) mswitzer@gastonchristian.org
Tugwell, Sara School Nurse stugwell@gastonchristian.org
Wilson, Sharonda K-5 Computer Swilson@gastonchristian.org
MIDDLE SCHOOL Staff Directory
Staff Member Department Email Address
Agurkis, Robin MS PE/MS Drama/Cognitive Enrichment Specialist agurkis@gastonchristian.org
Alves, Matthew HS College Prep & Honors Cultural Geography/Boys Bible 6 malves@gastonchristian.org
Bachman, Summer Guidance Counselor sbachman@gastonchristian.org
Blackledge, Rachel 7th English Language Arts & Honors 8th English Language Arts rblackledge@gastonchristian.org
Brack, Heidi Director of Fine Arts, Theatre Arts hbrack@gastonchristian.org
Brandon, Melissa Director of Technology mbrandon@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Ricky Director of Community Engagement, Percussion 7, 8, and Band Instructor rcollins@gastonchristian.org
Cook, Dr. Tina Director of Cognitive Enrichment/Director of Faculty tcook@gastonchristian.org
Currence, Kay After School Care Director kcurrence@gastonchristian.org
Denham, Julie Director of Women’s Ministry /Girls Bible 7 & 8/Director of New Faculty Development /Humanities Chair jdenham@gastonchristian.org
Erwin, Randy Director of Communications rerwin@gastonchristian.org
Grahl, Patricia Integrated Science 6/Earth Science 8 College Prep/STEAM Chair pgrahl@gastonchristian.org
Griffin, Katie Cognitive Enrichment Specialist kgriffin@ gastonchristian.org
Hawxwell, Tom Athletic Director thawxwell@gastonchristian.org
Huffstetler, Doug Security Operations dhuffstetler@gastonchristian.org
Huitt, Dr. Jonathan Associate Head of School/HS Principal jchuitt@gastonchristian.org
Johnson, Charity American History I (6th) & American History II (7th) cjohnson@gastonchristian.org
Lineberger, Maria Registered Nurse mlineberger@gastonchristian.org
Lowery, Devon Assistant Athletic Director / Varsity Baseball /MS PE dlowery@gastonchristian.org
Lunsford, Kathy 6th English Language Arts & College Prep 8th English Language Arts klunsford@gastonchristian.org
Lynn, Adam HS Honors Algebra I & Prealgebra / Advanced Prealgebra alynn@gastonchristian.org
Lynn, Stephanie Bible 6/HS Spanish I (8) slynn@gastonchristian.org
Matheney, Kyle Music 6, 7, 8 kmatheney@gastonchristian.org
McCabe, Dean Health/P.E. dmccabe@gastonchristian.org
Moore, Jason MS Physical Education Director / Athletic Training & Wellness/Track and CC Coach jmoore@gastonchristian.org
Morris, Caitlin STEM teacher / 6th grade Civics and Economics cmorris@gastonchristian.org
Overton, Jill MS Art joverton@gastonchristian.org
Parker, Karen MS Assistant kparker@gastonchristian.org
Patton, Whitney 6th Grade Math / 7th Grade Math wpatton@gastonchristian.org
Rabb, Pattiann MS Principal prabb@gastonchristian.org
Ramsey, Susan HS Honors Geometry sramsey@gastonchristian.org
Rice, Lane Academic Dean lrice@gastonchristian.org
Robinson, Parker Boys Bible 7 & 8/MS Dean of Students probinson@gastonchristian.org
Robinson, Riley Life Science 7/ Honors Earth Science 8 rrobinson@gastonchristian.org
Robinson, Trina Computer Science 6/MS Finance 6, 7, 8 trobinson@gastonchristian.org
Rushing, Tameron Registered Nurse trushing@gastonchristian.org
Tugwell, Sara Registered Nurse stugwell@gastonchristian.org
Van Pelt, Leigh Athletics Assistant lvanpelt@gastonchristian.org


High School Staff Directory
Name Department Email
Abromaitis, Becky Yearbook, Art babromaitis@gastonchristian.org
Bartlett, Amanda History abartlett@gastonchristian.org
Brack, Heidi Director of Fine Arts, Theatre Arts hbrack@gastonchristian.org
Brandon, Melissa Director of Technology mbrandon@gastonchristian.org
Brooks, Karen Guidance & College Counselor for Grades 11-12 kbrooks@gastonchristian.org
Caspar, Mark STEM Lead & Science mcaspar@gastonchristian.org
Choren, Amanda Math achoren@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Ricky Director of Community Engagement and Band Instructor rcollins@gastonchristian.org
Colón, Jessica English/ History jcolon@gastonchristian.org
Connell, Ken History / Humanities Chair kconnell@gastonchristian.org
Erwin, Randy Director of Communications rerwin@gastonchristian.org
Ford, Gary High School Vice Principal gford@gastonchristian.org
Hartley, Ashley Media Center/Communications ahartley@gastonchristian.org
Hartley, Kevin Math khartley@gastonchristian.org
Hawxwell, Tom Athletic Director thawxwell@gastonchristian.org
Higginbotham, Phillip Video & Visual Design, Woodworking phigginbotham@gastonchristian.org
Huitt, Dr. Jonathan Associate Head of School/High School Principal jchuitt@gastonchristian.org
Knight, Amanda International Student Program aknight@gastonchristian.org
Matheney, Kyle Choral kmatheney@gastonchristian.org
McBee, Mary English mmcbee@gastonchristian.org
McCabe, Dean Physical Education dmccabe@gastonchristian.org
McGhee, Kristy Bible kmcghee@gastonchristian.org
Mery, Kelsie Spanish kmery@gastonchristian.org
Moore, Jason Athletics jmoore@gastonchristian.org
Moore, Mark Christian Life Director & Bible mmoore@gastonchristian.org
Northey, Harrison Chaplain, Bible, Social Studies hnorthey@gastonchristian.org
Oakes, Leah Science loakes@gastonchristian.org
Overton, Jill Art joverton@gastonchristian.org
Peckman, Joel Bible jpeckman@gastonchristian.org
Ramsey, Susan Math sramsey@gastonchristian.org
Rathod, Kim Science/Science Chair krathod@gastonchristian.org
Ratteerree, Lauryn English/Communications lratteerree@gastonchristian.org
Reynolds, Kamery English kreynolds@gastonchristian.org
Huffstetler, Doug Director of Safety and Security dhuffstetler@gastonchristian.org
SanMillan, Bethsy French/Spanish bsanmillan@gastonchristian.org
Slate, Michael Physical Education mslate@gastonchristian.org
Smith, Barbara Administrative Assistant bsmith@gastonchristian.org
Turpin, Chelsea School Counselor (9-12) & Academic Advisor (Grades 9-10) cturpin@gastonchristian.org
van Heerden, Danielle Science dvanheerden@gastonchristian.org
Van Pelt, Leigh Athletics lvanpelt@gastonchristian.org
East Cleveland Campus Staff Directory
Staff Member Department Email Address
Ahearn, Victoria East Cleveland Principal vahearn@gastonchristian.org
Bell, Rachel East Cleveland Art & Stem Teacher rbell@gastonchristian.org
Boateng, Naomi East Cleveland Kindergarten Teacher nboateng@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Samantha East Cleveland Sixth Grade Teacher scollins@gastonchristian.org
Darnell, Arden East Cleveland Fourth Grade Teacher adarnell@gastonchristian.org
Haney, Crystal East Cleveland Preschool Teacher chaney@gastonchristian.org
Gash, Sharece East Cleveland First Grade Teacher sgash@gastonchrisitan.org
Glover, Hailey East Cleveland Nurse hglover@gastonchristian.org
McMahan, Sharon East Cleveland Administrative Assistant smcmahan@gastonchristian.org
Page, Laura East Cleveland Kindergarten Teacher lpage@gastonchristian.org
Proctor, Kimberly East Cleveland P.E.Teacher kproctor@gastonchristian.org
Stroup, Leanna East Cleveland Music /Drama Teacher lstroup@gastonchristian.org
Summey, Kim East Cleveland Third Grade Teacher ksummey@gastonchristian.org
Tedder, Kim East Cleveland Second Grade Teacher ktedder@gastonchristian.org
Turner, Katie East Cleveland Fifth Grade Teacher kturner@gastonchristian.org
Unnasch, Renee East Cleveland Teacher Assistant runnasch@gastonchristian.org
Administration Staff Directory
Staff Member Department Email Address
Alston, Denika Elementary School Principal dalston@gastonchristian.org
Brack, Heidi Director of Fine Arts hbrack@gastonchristian.org
Brandon, Melissa Technology Support mbrandon@gastonchristian.org
Collins, Ricky Director of Community Engagement rcollins@gastonchristian.org
Cook, Dr. Tina Director of Cognitive Enrichment / Dean of Faculty tcook@gastonchristian.org
Denham, Julie Director of Women’s Ministry / Director of New Faculty Development jdenham@gastonchristian.org
Erwin, Randy Director of Communications rerwin@gastonchristian.org
Faulkner, John Grounds Coordinator jfaulkner@gastonchristian.org
Ford, Gary High School Vice Prinicpal gford@gastonchristian.org
Glenn, Sara Advancement/Business Office sglenn@gastonchristian.org
Goldenberg, Jennifer Elementary School Assistant Principal jgoldenberg@gastonchristian.org
Huitt, Dr. Jonathan Associate Head of School/High School Principal jchuitt@gastonchristian.org
Hunsucker, Benjy Facilities Coordinator bhunsucker@gastonchristian.org
Lockett, Lindsay Vice President of Advancement llockett@gastonchristian.org
Moore, Mark Christian Life Director & Bible mmoore@gastonchristian.org
Rabb, Pattiann Middle School Principal prabb@gastonchristian.org
Rice, Dr. Lane Academic Dean lrice@gastonchristian.org
Roach, Nancy Business Manager nroach@gastonchristian.org
Ryan, Julie Admissions Director jryan@gastonchristian.org
Stout, Dr. Marc Head of School mstout@gastonchristian.org
Stufflebeam, Ashley Human Resource Coordinator astufflebeam@gastonchristian.org
Winter, Phil Director Alumni Affairs pwinter@gastonchristian.org



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Parents will receive notification by GCS App notification, email, posted on the GCS website, and social media (Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram). This information will be available as soon as a decision is made regarding the closures/delays. Local TV stations will be informed after all direct communication has been sent. Full Protocol Letter

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Gaston Christian School APP

GCS has a dedicated Gaston Christian School app for Apple and Google smartphones. We are using this as an all-in-one place for communications with calendars, notifications, and alerts.

Here’s a link to download http://l.ead.me/bbjWIU?trackSharing=1

Below is a video walkthrough of the app and how it works:

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  • Copy and links to be used for their sponsor listing (include organization name, approx. 100-word bio, any links to include in their listing)

Contact Randy Erwin at rerwin@gastonchristian.org

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