Back-to-School Medical Forms
The beginning of the school year is right around the corner! Here are a few reminders to make sure your student is ready for school.
- Immunization reminders: There are immunization requirements for students starting Kindergarten, 7th grade, and 12th grade. See the following link for more information.
- The Medical Information/Emergency Release form is linked below. This form is due the first day of school.
- The Medical Authorization Form is linked here as well. This form is OPTIONAL, but is required if you would like your student to receive over the counter medication at school.
- If your student needs to have medication administered at school, please provide a written order from their Medical Provider, along with the medication in the original prescription bottle.
- The EpiPen form and Inhaler form are only required if your student has a prescription for an EpiPen or Inhaler or Nebulizer.
Please reach out with questions to with questions. We look forward to seeing you all next week!
GCS Nurses