Happy Groundhog Day
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...
Outstanding Dancer award
Journey Lockhart, a 4th grader here at Gaston Christian School, attended the NYCDA (New York City Dance Alliance) Scholarship program...
Change the Game – Souper Bowl of Caring
Souper Bowl of Caring "What would happen if everyone watching the Super Bowl would donate a can of soup?" This was the question asked by a...
100th Day of School
MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle...
Save the Date
GCS Families and golfers, Save the Date of April 26, 2021, for this year's regularly scheduled annual golf tournament at Pine Island...
We love you and miss you, Mr. Chase
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...
2021 Valentine’s Day Spirit Club Fundraiser
Please find the order forms below for each school: Early Childhood Spirit Club Valentine 2021 Order Form Elementary Spirit Club Valentine...
They’re Ready For Kindergarten. Are You?
Kindergarten. It’s a powerful word that can bring mixed emotions for parents of young learners. If you have a soon-to-be kindergartner,...
2020 Dance Concert video
Digital Download video of the concert. Simply click on red plus icon to add the video to your cart. MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR...
GCS Fine Arts Faculty presents “Noel”
MORE NEWS AND EVENTSSIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOGEarly Childhood Office: (704) 824-9893Elementary School Office: (704) 824-9011Middle School...