Basic Requirements:
Possess a Bachelor’s degree in the subject area or an education degree with an emphasis on the subject being taught. Prefer advanced degrees.
Demonstrate ability to teach or appropriate teaching experience.
Comply with and fulfill all policies as stated in the Staff Policy Manual.
Affirm that he/she is passionate about the intellectual and moral formation of students and Christian Education as a professional, understands that teaching at GCS is a Christian ministry position, and believes that this profession and their role as a teacher are a good use of time and talent to honor the Lord Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Requirements:
- Demonstrate in speech, actions, and attitude a consistent walk with Jesus Christ as outlined in the GCS Statement of Faith and Christian Beliefs regarding marriage, gender, and sexuality.
- Be available always to be used by the Holy Spirit for the spiritual encouragement of students or fellow teachers.
- Share the Christian faith with students.
- Read and study the Bible on a personal basis throughout the year.
- Be on time for and attend faculty devotions and chapels as scheduled.
- Be faithfully involved in a local church.
Professional Requirements:
Teach assigned classes.
Be informed and aware of the academic, spiritual and social development of each of the students.
Employ those instructional aids, methods, and material that will provide for creative teaching.
Ensure that adequate preparations have been made to accomplish the objectives for each class.
Plan broadly through the use of semester plans and objectives and more currently through the use of the daily lesson plans.
Maintain adequate records of attendance and grades to meet administration requirements and in order for teachers to have personal knowledge of student’s progress.
Make homework assignments for drill, review, enrichment, or project work with adequate advance notice of due date in order that students learn personal responsibility, experience the benefits of self-directed self-study, and have sufficient time to handle the work at their grade level.
Attend and participate in scheduled departmental meetings and general faculty meetings.
Request instructional aids and materials for classroom use.
Integrate Biblical principles throughout the instructional program.
Organize as pre-approved by the principal:
Class field trips
Guest lecturers
Keep records of textbooks assigned to students.
Keep proper discipline in the classroom for a good teaching environment.
Keep proper discipline on the school’s premises so that GCS is known as a school that respects others.
Maintain open and helpful communications with his/her students’ parents.
Supervise student activities as assigned by administration.
Be informed of educational trends and student learning styles, along with demonstrating in the classroom the commitment that each student will achieve success on a daily basis.
Strive to hold students to the standard of helping them reach their God-given potential.
Demonstrate through commitment as a team player positive interpersonal relationships with parents, students, and peers.
Attend extracurricular activities.
Use technology to support instruction.
Encourage critical thinking skills through questioning strategies.
Enforce the Student Handbook.