GCS Continuing to Monitor and Pray
March 23, 2020
Dear GCS families and friends,
The past week has been an amazing display of hard work and dedication on the part of our students, teachers, and parents. Thank you for your partnership during this most unique and demanding situation.
As of today, we are going to extend our online educational program for at least two more weeks, or until April 9. While we are hoping and praying for the best outcomes, we also know that these are uncharted waters and we must adapt to all new information that comes to us.
While Governor Roy Cooper announced earlier today the plan for all North Carolina public schools to be closed until May 15, he also stated that the date could change in the future. We would like to make a shorter-term projection. By extending our program by two weeks, we would return after Spring Break on April 20. Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to resume classes at that time. If, however, COVID-19 does not subside, we will make necessary adjustments to our plan.
Once again, I ask you to pray that the Lord will provide miraculous healing to our country. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24
Standing on his promises,
Dr. Marc Stout
Head of School