Gaston Christian Parent Information for COVID-19
Reminders from GCS Nurses
WELCOME back to school! It feels as if the school has come back to life as the students fill the classrooms and hallways once again. We are excited to be here and to be able to serve our school community. Just a few reminders for this new school year:
- There are Required Immunizations before starting Kindergarten, the 7th grade (Tdap, Meningococcal), and now 12th grade (Meningococcal). Beginning this 2020-2021 school year, students entering 12th grade will be required to have a booster (second) dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine if they have not already received one. We received an Executive Order by our NC Governor and the State Health Director, allowing us additional time to obtain the required immunizations mentioned above due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this year, the date has been extended until October 1, 2020. Whether children are home-schooled, attend school in-person or by remote learning, they are required by state law to be immunized based on their age for certain vaccinations as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- The Medical Information/Emergency Release Form is due upon your child’s return to school. It can be located on our GCS website under Current Families and then select Forms ( They can now be electronically filled out for your convenience. However, the Medication Authorization Form, allowing staff to administer over- the- counter medication is optional but has to be signed by the parent/legal guardian and by a Medical Provider in order for these medications to be administered to your child as needed.
- We will rely heavily on the honor system as far as screening your children for signs and symptoms of the Covid-19 virus before they come to school. If your child has ANY of the following symptoms, please do not send them to school. These symptoms include fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, or new loss of taste or smell. Also, if any of these symptoms develop while they are at school, you will be asked to promptly pick up your child. If you have a child in 5th grade or below and they become symptomatic of a contagious illness while at school, it is recommended a mask will be placed on your child and they will be moved to the “Q” Room for quarantine until the child is picked up from school. Please remember that all of these measures are in place to provide the safest environment possible for our children, families, and staff.
We have implemented new preventative measures this year for both staff, parents and students. Having these in place has allowed us to reopen school and with everyone’s cooperation and compliance will allow us to remain open. Our number one priority here at school is to keep everyone safe and healthy. Thank you in advance for doing your part as we navigate through this together.
GCS Nurses