Certified a Best Christian Workplace for 2024

Dear Dr. Stout,
Congratulations to you and Gaston Christian School on the significant accomplishment of being certified as a Best Christian Workplace for 2024! Thank you for the efforts you put into creating strong employee engagement and for your desire to have a flourishing workplace culture. The testimony of your healthy workplace culture communicates volumes about the character of Christian leaders and about the very nature and character of God. Best Christian Workplaces supports and applauds you and your staff as you lead in the name of Christ – serving both your employees and those your organization impacts.
Around the world, a growing number of churches, parachurch & mission organizations, schools & universities, media outlets, and Christian-owned businesses are together setting the standard for what it looks like to be the best, most effective places to work in the world.
We are honored to be able to add Gaston Christian School’s name and website link to our list of Certified Best Workplaces on our website. We have provided you with an electronic version of our 2024 certification badge via email. We encourage you to display it proudly on your website. It is our prayer that you will continue to be equipped and inspired to create and maintain a flourishing workplace that honors God and attracts others to Christ. God bless you in your leadership and ministry impact!
Jay Bransford, President & CEO
Best Christian Workplaces