Beginning of Year Medical Information
GCS Families,
We are so excited about the approaching school year with your student. Here are a few reminders from the nursing staff to help prepare for school starting this fall.
- There are required immunizations before starting Kindergarten, 7th grade (Tdap, Meningococcal), and 12th grade (Meningococcal.) All students starting Kindergarten, 7th grade, 12th grade, and new students to GCS must have a record of your child’s completed immunization records or exemption record on file within 30 days of school starting.
- The Medical Information/Emergency Release Form is required and is due upon your child’s return to school.
- The Medical Authorization Form, allowing staff to administer over-the-counter medication if needed, is optional. However, if you would like your child to receive over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Tums, etc.) we will need a completed Medical Authorization Form, signed by a medical provider, to administer medication. If your child has had a well-visit within the past year most providers will sign this form if dropped off at their office without having an actual appointment.
- If your student needs a dose of daily scheduled medication or medication to be given on an as-needed basis, please send an order from your doctor and the original prescription bottle that the medication comes into school. The doctor’s order may be written on the Medication Authorization sheet.
- The EpiPen Authorization form attached is for anyone with a prescription for an EpiPen or Auvi-Q. Please have your student’s prescribing provider fill this form out and the attached Allergy Questionnaire.
- Please note the Guidelines For Common Illnesses form that is attached to this email. This form will be helpful to refer back to for information about whether or not you should send your child to school due to illness/symptoms and how long your child should remain out of school after an illness. If you have any questions about whether or not your child should come to school, please call the nurse’s cell phone at (704) 915-5880 or email the nurse at [email protected]
before sending your child to school. One of our nurses will return your call or email as soon as possible. - If your child requires an Inhaler or Nebulizer treatment please fill out the Inhaler/ Nebulizer Authorization Form. This form must be signed by a parent/guardian and a medical provider.
- Information about our Covid policies this year will be provided shortly.
GCS School Nurses
Link to all the forms on the GCS website under General Forms