5th grade class video

5th grade class video

5th grade class video Congratulations to the Gaston Christian School 5th-grade class.  MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOG Success! Name Email Subscribe GCS INTRANET BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS Gastonia Campus1625 Lowell Bethesda RoadGastonia, NC 28056Phone:...
Middle School Science Fair 2020

Middle School Science Fair 2020

Middle School Science Fair 2020 MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOG Success! Name Email Subscribe GCS INTRANET BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS Gastonia Campus1625 Lowell Bethesda RoadGastonia, NC 28056Phone: (704) 824-4128Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm East...
Middle School Chapel May 14, 2020

Middle School Chapel May 14, 2020

Middle School Chapel May 14, 2020 MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOG Success! Name Email Subscribe GCS INTRANET BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS Gastonia Campus1625 Lowell Bethesda RoadGastonia, NC 28056Phone: (704) 824-4128Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm East...
City of Gastonia Downtown Student Art Show

City of Gastonia Downtown Student Art Show

City of Gastonia Downtown Student Art Show Congratulations to Karina Jones, Brian Minnix, and Maria Torres for representing Gaston Christian School in the City of Gastonia Downtown Student Art Show. Congratulations to Maria for special recognition in the video. MORE...
2020 GCS Senior Class video

2020 GCS Senior Class video

2020 GCS Senior Class video MORE NEWS AND EVENTS SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOL BLOG Success! Name Email Subscribe GCS INTRANET BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS Gastonia Campus1625 Lowell Bethesda RoadGastonia, NC 28056Phone: (704) 824-4128Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm East Cleveland...