Costuming Class Uses Skills to Help Others During Crisis
Eager to help and with the material on hand, the Gilreaths offered to begin making medical masks to distribute to organizations in need including hospitals, police departments, home health care agencies, and most recently, Holy Angels.
The only problem was that orders started coming in faster each day. While the demand kept increasing for TSI, Mrs. Grubbs saw an opportunity for GCS to serve the community. Her daughter Lacie, a sophomore at GCS, is enrolled in a costuming course full of students who know how to sew but who don’t have a production to sew for any more now that all social gatherings, including school plays, have been prohibited.
“I think this would be an amazing opportunity for our costuming kids to help in this crisis and give to the cause,” Grubbs explained to Maralie Medlin, the costuming teacher. Costuming students, teachers, and even former costuming students jumped into action this week with their first order of 225 masks and plan to continue assisting while the crisis continues.